Variant II
The fully automated VARIANT II Hemoglobin Testing System is designed for high volume, featuring positive specimen identification and complete, ready-to-use test kits for precise, accurate results. This multi-analyte system requires no sample preparation and very little hands-on time by the operator. The sampling station accepts barcoded primary specimen tubes, reads the barcode, samples from the closed tube and dilutes and injects the specimen into the chromatographic station for analysis.
Results are processed by Bio-Rad’s Clinical Data Management (CDMTM) Software, which can interface with the laboratory information system (LIS) for real-time data transmission and superior data management. Bio-Rad provides complete assay kits for analysis of HbA1c and β-thalassemia on the VARIANT II. Designed to the highest standards, the VARIANT II system is NGSP-certified, CE marked to meet the European IVD Directive and traceable to the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT) reference study and anchored to the IFCC reference method.